Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let's Try This Again

I’ve realized that there are a lot of things I like to share with my friends. So instead of constantly overwhelming my Facebook friends with random posts they may or may not care about, I went with starting a blog.

I know, I know…I’ve done this before. I start a project and then fail to keep it up. But if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, amiright?

As an introduction to express my goals for this blog, let’s just say it will be sort of like a variety show – a little bit of everything. Or, as my boyfriend just deftly described it: Seinfeldian. I’d like to think he’s wrong, that this blog won’t be about nothing, per se, but I do love Seinfeld (who doesn’t?), and I don’t have any problem with being likened to such a hilarious show. There are just a lot of things that I find on the Internet that I want to talk about, or want to try, or simply want to share, and this seemed like the best outlet. Make sense? I sure hope so.

If you really want to know what to expect, here are some ideas I have for post topics:
-Music I like.
-DIY Projects/Recipes: I'd really like to document what it's like for a total craft/cooking beginner to try some of these projects that bloggers always say are so simple. Show what it's like for us common folk.
-Exercise/diet stuff: again, I'm a TOTAL beginner when it comes to fitness and nutrition, and I want to post about the trials and tribulations of trying to get healthy.
-Etc. etc. etc.

So as you can see, I’ve actually already got some post ideas lined up, and dare I say, some posts already pre-written and ready to go…? I’m cautiously optimistic about this, guys. I hope you’re excited too! Tell your friends and all that. 

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