Saturday, March 31, 2012

Artsy Fartsy Friday - Mason Jars

I recently got into this new-ish website called Pinterest, which basically just allows you to “pin” pictures of things you like on the Internet to “boards” that other people can follow. If you like someone’s pin, you can click on it and it will link you to the website where they found the picture. I frequently haunt DIY (do-it-yourself) boards because I like to believe I’m crafty. At this point, I have accumulated many pins of DIY projects and recipes that I have the best intentions to try but never actually do. Hence (partly) this blog. My lack of interesting things to write about has lit a fire under my butt to get these projects going! 

This first project is really quick and easy, which is perfect for me because I’m impatient and easily confused. I already have a hipster-y fascination with old books, so the main item this project took me out of my way for was the mod podge (which you can buy at any craft store for under $10). Anyways, just get yourself some mason jars, rip some cool looking pages out of some old books, and just slather mod podge on the jar as well as the paper to stick 'em together! It adds a little flair to an otherwise plain glass, and it looks really cool if you put a candle in it, with the light flickering through the pages. I haven't gotten to this myself yet, but you can decorate them even more with twine or ribbon to take it up another notch.

*(I don't remember exactly where I first saw it...sorry I'm not sure who to give credit to for the idea!)
**I'll have a better camera for the next craft post...

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